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Make your wishes known

we think it’s important to discuss your funeral wishes and put something in place. Our team are happy to offer help.

Date of birth

Details of the chosen representative

Options for cremation

If cremation is the preferred funeral option, are family to attend?
Instructions regarding cremated remains:

Options for burial

If burial is the preferred funeral option, are family to attend?
This will be a:
Existing plot:

If the grave already has an occupant, please provide their name and date of death

Funeral service arrangements

Funeral type:
Family members often take great comfort from visiting their relative in our Chapel of Rest. Please discuss this option with my family at the time?

Information about our services and our current price lists can be found on our website.

Any information you have provided above should be discussed with your Executor if you have appointed one, or your family. The details in this document may be changed at the time the funeral is arranged and are not legally binding on your representatives.

If you would like us to store a copy of this form safely and securely for you, please complete the boxes and click send below. An acknowledgement will be sent but we will not use your information for any other purpose.

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